Thursday, February 13, 2014

Baby Idolatry & Ritual Murder: Why Not To Be Pro-life for Life’s Sake

Herrschaft des Verbrechens (The Empire of Crime):

    "Humanity's soul must be shaken to its very depths, frightened by unfathomable and seemingly senseless crimes. Crimes that benefit no one, whose only objective is to inspire fear and terror. Because the ultimate purpose of crime is to establish the endless empire of crime. A state of complete insecurity and anarchy, founded upon the tainted ideals of a world doomed to annihilation. When humanity, subjugated by the terror of crime, has been driven insane by fear and horror, and when chaos has become supreme law, then the time will have come for the empire of crime."  -The Testament of Dr. Mabuse

The insane asylum: We are living in Dr. Mabuse's world. He obviously had lost his sense of humor.
                                               LIFE IS HORROR...IBLY FUN

Pro-Life is a political term employed under the democratic guise that "the people" have the sovereign authority to choose what is "right" or what is "wrong" , and hence, it is a Janus-faced, ambiguous, or all-encompassing term for someone who chooses to defend "life" within this sentimental and naturalistic social construct, which is a danger to the soul. A Roman Catholic cannot be Pro-Life. He can only be Catholic.

When one is involved in the Pro-life movement and is "fighting" against the ritual murder and child sacrifice of the unborn, one often unwittingly becomes manipulated and neutralized by an abstraction of horror that is staged millions of times over in a battle lost because those who claim to be opposed to it refuse to acknowledge and fight the real evils that fuel this ritual murder of the unborn..

"Ritual murder is mind control. It's not always earth compensation for sacrilegious tampering. It can be ceremonial, possessing a liturgy that uses twilight language to imprint the Group Mind, the entity that is formed psychically when large numbers of people are intently focused on the same object, image or symbol." (Secret Societies and Psycholgical Warfare by Michael A. Hoffman II, Independent History & Research, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, 2001).

Severed heads, drains with grinders, extracted intestines, fetuses in refrigerators alongside clinic workers' lunches, rubber chickens hanging on crucifixes, candle wax, Baal, Molech, Isis, bloody paperwork in dumpsters, silent ambulances, hushed crimes of molestation...these realities obsess pro-lifers who sometimes travel hundreds of miles to stand in solidarity on the sides of roads against the horror.

The 1950's TV personality, Archbishop Fulton Sheen, once elucidated the ill effects of too steady a diet of things that arouse our passions and excite sentimentality:

 Take for example, an exclusive diet of novels and TV. When people just sits glued to a tv drama in which emotions are provoked and evoked, the emotions of love and hate and jealousy and fear and dread and anxiety and so forth. As we turn over the pages of the novel we become more and more stern, and as we listen to the Westerner, and we see that man with the white hat on, and there are fifty thousand bullets are shot through that white hat - all the black hats are knocked everywhere - but that white hat never comes off his head, and you become so full of dread that maybe some day that man is going to lose his white hat; what would happen to the world? 

And what are all these emotions directed against? Fictitious characters, a book - paper. Why, can't you see that after a while our emotions are like the spring on a screen door, pulled and pulled so often that after a while it loses all of its resiliency. And then later on in life there come real objects, and problems, toward  which the emotions of love and hate and anger and justice, and so forth, should be aroused, but they become so jaded, so exhausted, so emasculated, by being pulled at artificially, that they're no longer aroused. And that is why in the face of social injustices, dishonesties, affecting one industry after another and politics, we remain cold. Our emotional life is gone. That is one of the evil effects, of too steady a diet. (How to Improve Your Mind by Archbishop Fulton Sheen, Originally broadcast in 1956,
Rallies, parades, protests, sidewalk counseling, marches: these become the TV and dime novel equivalent obsessions of the pro-lifer, who, impotent in the face of the constant arousal of legalized international horror, are boiled in their own pot of largely feckless social action for social action's sake and condemned to a life of seeing the world through the broom closet doors of born alive infants left to die of exposure.
Many youthful or Chirstian pro-lifers, to escape this jadedness, have concentrated on the maniacal joy of LIFE and are hence losing touch with reality.

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The ecumenical fight for life for life's sake.


There is no doctrine to the pro-life religion. Pro-life means many different things to many different people on different LIFE related subjects. You might be pro-life in regard to opposing surgical abortion and euthanasia, but are you pro-life in regard to the ban on fornication and the use of artificial or abortificient contraceptives? These things, these mortal sins, endanger one’s immortal life, but a Pro-lifer might not agree. Are you pro-life in regard to the unjust war? A Catholic must be. You might be pro-life in regard to adoption, but are you pro-life in regard to embryo adoption? A pro-lifer might be, and yet embryo adoption, as in vitro fertilization also, is condemned by Church teaching. Are you pro-life in regard to the death penalty? You cannot be, as it is sometimes justifiable.

Even a Novus Ordo Bishop complained:

 '“I am convinced that many so called Pro-Life groups are not really pro-life but merely anti-abortion,” he wrote.' (
The bottom line is not only that a Catholic cannot be pro-life in this political and ecumenical sense, but how could he even be so?

And what is life to the pro-lifer anyway? In becoming so overly serious about the means  to LIFE - the physical nature of living - they have forgotten the reason for living, and the true plight of life. In a sense, although they appear to be seriously joyful, they have lost their sense of humor and perspective. They fail to find the comedy in a situation where someone, for example, is hanging off the side of a cliff (a fellow pro-lifer outside of the Church, perhaps), and instead of throwing the poor hanger-on a rope, say: "Isn't life grand? Aren't you lucky you weren't aborted?"

"Bear not the yoke with unbelievers. For what participation hath justice with injustice? Or what fellowship hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath the faithful with the unbeliever? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God; as God saith: I will dwell in them, and walk among them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore, Go out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing: And I will receive you; and I will be a Father to you; and you shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty." (2 Corinthians 6:14-18)

                                                           THE ULTIMATE GOTHS

Saint Denis holding his head. Statue at the left portal of Notre Dame.
It could be argued that Catholics are more pro-death than pro-life. Never has any other group so easily thrown away their earthly lives for a cause. Catholics are aware, more so than others, that they are going to die, and that what state they die in will determine their lives for eternity. They place skulls on their desks, they contemplate death in the Four Last Things, they are famous for displaying the dead body parts of great people, and are accused of being cannibals. The Pollyannaesque pro-life proselytizing about this dangerous state of being alive, especially in these soul-killing times, is not something to don tacky yellow shirts about while singing pathetic rock songs and thinking that one is saved merely because he might “save” babies from being butchered and is having a damn good time doing it. Thanks mom, for not aborting me. Life is so fun!

"St. Antoninus relates that a certain king of Sicily, in order to make one of his subjects understand with what fear he occupied the throne, caused him to sit at a table with a sword suspended over his head by a slender thread, so that this man being thus situated could hardly taste any food. We are all in similar peril, since every moment the sword of death may fall upon us, and on it our eternal salvation depends." (Preparation  for Death by St. Alphonsus Liguori, Tan: Charlotte, North Carolina, 1982, p. 37).

Such antics could turn any onlooker with a deeper temperament or some sense and experience of the real world into an Ebenezer Scrooge within seconds. Of course, many with sense and experience have denied it and forgotten about it when they joined the sanguine pro-life cult of life for life’s sake (whatever that is). The balloons and living camaraderie - we all survived the abortion holocaust! yay! - were just too hard to resist, or, for some, the balloons, the effeminate weeping Jesus pictures, and the Pilgrim hymns, were mortifying, but hey, we have to put up with these sillier pro-lifers' antics in order to fight for ….LIFE.

                                                        THE SOILED PLATE

Most, if not all, pro-life movement groups, even those run by Catholics, are ecumenical in nature, hence, the pro-lifers deny their faith in order to fight together for ...LIFE. This is operating on Naturalism and the saving of babies' physical bodies at detriment to the salvation of souls. It is unity at the expense of truth. It is being pro-life for life's sake - for just being born and physically alive while ignoring or denying the supernatural life.
Without the true spiritual foundation of life, the pro-lifer is often left with the idolatry of "cute" babies. Saving babies and loving babies and celebrating the result of the banal free-for-all birds and the bees is sentimental slosh that repels people who are actually in touch with reality and know that reality is not what these pro-lifers high on the stench of diaper pails and immodest and grotesque bare naked baby bump photos is presenting. 

Sentimentality is the emotional, and hence, inordinate and subjective application of values, and it makes one ridiculous. Concentrating on the supposed cuteness of babies and the maniacal happiness of earthly born life has very little to do with spiritual warfare. What is the use of physical life if one is spiritually dead?  Whereupon Jesus said to them, Believe me when I tell you this; you can have no life in yourselves, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man, and drink his blood. (John 6:54).

Participation in the pro-life movement is a danger to the Catholic. One similarly determined by Pope Pius X on the French Catholic movement "Le Sillon" which became tainted with the ideas of the French Revolution:

"For it must be said, Venerable Brethren, that our expectations have been frustrated in large measure. The day came when perceptive observers could discern alarming trends within the Sillon; the Sillon was losing its way. Could it have been otherwise? Its leaders were young, full of enthusiasm and self-confidence. But they were not adequately equipped with historical knowledge, sound philosophy, and solid theology to tackle without danger the difficult social problems in which their work and their inclinations were involving them. They were not sufficiently equipped to be on their guard against the penetration of liberal and Protestant concepts on doctrine and obedience."  (The Apostolic Letter, "Our Apostolic Mandate" ("Notre Charge Apostolique"), Given by Pope Pius X to the French Bishops, August 15, 1910,

Sin, like the denial of the teachings of Jesus Christ through the authority of His Church, are repugnant to God. To understand this, imagine being served a plate of delicious food that is soiled with the slimy roundworm-coated crap of a barnyard beast. In false ecumenism, in working together with non-Catholics for "the common good", one is ignoring the filth of sin, and even taking courteous bites off of the roundworm infected plate out of obligation to the communal fight. Soon one is infected with roundworm, and eventually, one is blindly devouring the crap like it's part of the delicious meal - because sin, like this sin against the First Commandment, makes one blind to the repugnant nature of sin/dung.

One of the more ironic pro-life quirks is that they seek to save the babies of American  and European women of any religion, but just ask them if they are against the genocide of babies of Palestinian women and suddenly one's religion is a life and death deciding factor.
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Look at all the pretty balloons! Tra la la la...
                                    THE GOLDFISH IS ON THE CARPET

The pro-life movement has abstracted the baby from the bathwater of reality. It takes much more than a baby merely being born alive to make a success of the horrid situation of a crisis pregnancy, which most likely existed before it even took place.

Abortion is only a symptom. Do they all realize that feminism, fornication, and artificial contraception, even within marriage, fuels abortion? Do they realize that abortion is a blood sacrifice to satan (many abortionists will say so), and that aborted babies do not "go to heaven" because they die in Original Sin (the doctrine of Limbo), and that wilful abortion is wrong because it is an infinite offense against God’s goodness? No, because it is a political movement and a feel-good ecumenical religion that does not profess this truth. (If you don't believe this, go spouting it off at the next pro-life tra la la la gathering). Heck, they do not even need to believe in God to be pro-life. So, how are they going to convince others that abortion is wrong, how are they going to stop or lessen it? Without the faith, what is the value of that absurdly inconvenient and not yet evolved blob of tissue whose ancestors were also once just blobs of dime a dozen dispensable apes?
And most progressively, how will they dissuade mothers from something that is increasingly becoming something that one can secretly carry out in the privacy of her own bathroom via poison pills far away from the butcheries' sidewalks? They might need to find a new place to hang out.

Sure, it might be scientifically proven that that blob - that is definitely human - feels pain when it is butchered, but so do plants and animals, and we still butcher them. The cuteness of cows or the barbarism of their slaughter ultimately does not affect the taste of filet mignon or rocky road ice cream. And I dare you to be able to pick which hot cocoa was processed with the use of child slave labor

 You will find, arguments don't win battles when it comes to the conquering of souls.  
(Fr. Joseph Pfeiffer 2-9-14 Post Falls 5th Epiphany 1 Timothy, 

Yes, we need something more. Something that with reason and faith will, and is, applicable to everyone, something that is accepted, or rejected, by everyone, something that will convert the soul, no matter if he can conjugate verbs, determine the figure of syllogism, or is "blind as a bat". We cannot make people change, it takes the grace of God.

Biological proof or political law (based on what?), will not even make strong enough arguments against murder because of what is deemed to be more morally powerful and supremely important: the [erroneous] rights of man, which every American and Americanism-infected world-ling sees as the meaning of ....LIFE. But, ironically, error has no rights!

We are free to do what we ought, but under the spell of liberty we falsely believe we are free to do what we shalt not do. A goldfish is free to swim in the water, but it is not free to swim in the carpet, although it might take it upon itself to do so, and die. If the goldfish had mankind's free will, choosing the carpet would be the equivalent of sinning. Man can take license and choose to disobey God's law, but he is not free to do so because it goes against his nature, and without true repentance and confession he will die in it like a fish who lands on the carpet.

But, Que Sera Sera?

It is actually this adoption of the error of the rights of man over those of God's by the Counterfeit Conciliar Church at the Second Vatican Council that has allowed this free love and abortion-loving revolution to take place in the first place (see the Vat II document, Dignitatis Humanae, for example). And the pro-life movement supports this false church, along with the staged and worthless political process that whores itself along by diverting, manipulating, and neutralizing the pro-life political players.

Most people do not understand that the U.S., like many other countries, is a controlled nation. All of the politicians that one is granted the ability to know the names of are provided via organized naturalism that attacks Christ. And this is all seated deeply in the heresy of Americanism that claims that there is no law of authority above the right of the people. Voting, except for maybe on the lowest level, according to the Catholic doctrine of subsidiarity, is a worthless, and possibly sinful, endeavour.

Many pro-lifers support mass murdering, imperialistic war-mongers for the Synagogue of Satan merely because the politician claims that he is "pro-life". 

"Many times people are ready to spend their time to oppose evil committed to men, like to the innocent babies, but they neglect the campaign for God, the fair and severe Judge." (Fr. Vili Lehtoranta,

Pro-life groups make big business of supporting candidates who advertise themselves as pro-life, which is a tactic of advertising branding that makes two of the same seem dissimilar  - like the political parties, which are all working for satan. So many pro-lifers sadly devote their time and energy to figments of the pro-life imagination, and are hence caught up in an endless hamster wheel of futility and letdown that is as mind controlling as ritual murder: the public election night murder of their chosen imaginary pro-life candidate.
In the end, it does not really matter if one was pro-life if one was also essentially, albeit, a brown scapular-wearing-ecclesia dei mass-attending... Protestant: because there is no salvation outside of the Mystical Body of Christ, the Roman Catholic Church.

"take care lest, while seeking unity, you turn yourselves aside from the way" (Pope Pius IX, "Ad QuosdamPuseistas Anglicos" "To Certain Puseyite Anglicans", November 8, 1865,

Consider a general comment left on a notable Novus Ordo pro-life Catholic's Facebook page alluding to this "unity" in the fight for LIFE:

"I'm Wiccan, 100% pro-life and love EVERYTHING you post, even the religious stuff. I am not uncomfortable at all and I think you should be professing your faith. Post away! But you know, our main goal here is to end abortion peacefully and prayerfully. Our job is to educate and reach out to people. We are all in this together, and I think you are an amazing woman and are definitely an inspiration to me!"

And consider words of a Vicar of Christ:

"Even on the plea of promoting unity it is not allowed to dissemble one single dogma; for, as the Patriarch of Alexandria warns us, 'although the desire of peace is a noble and excellent thing, yet we must not for its sake neglect the virtue of loyalty in Christ.' Consequently, the much desired return of erring sons to true and genuine unity in Christ will not be furthered by exclusive concentration on those doctrines which all, or most, communities glorying in the Christian name accept in common. The only successful method will be that which bases harmony and agreement among Christ's faithful ones upon all the truths, and the whole of the truths, which God has revealed."
(--Pope Pius XII, Encyclical Orientalis Ecclesiae (1944), par. 16).

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                           THE GREATEST PURCHASE PINK RIBBONS
  Many now elderly Catholics of what was dubbed the "greatest" generation- those who lived through the literal bulldozing of the altars - dropped the ball. Instead of defending the Church and sticking to the true faith they took the Pill,  ignored the homosexual abuse problem in the clergy, presided over Vatican II, and, instead, set up pregnancy resource centers with Protestants.

It is arguable that the "Greatest" Generation is one of the worst generations in the history of the Church, for Modernism (one of the worst heresies - if not the worst heresy - in the history of the Church) was pemitted, promoted, and embraced under the eye of this generation." ("The Sixth Generation" by Father Chad Ripperger in The Latin Mass: Vol. 21, No. 2 . Summer 2012).

I don't want to actually eat the chicken in the bucket with pink ribbons on it, Elizabeth, I just want to display it at one of my candlelight suppers.
The Pro-Life movement is not much different than the Susan G. Komen Foundation, or the Race for the Cure, or the Cancer Society, and other organizations that make money out of hope, almost like usurers breed money from nothing. Marching in pink ribbons while eating out of pink ribbon plastered carcinogenic fried "chicken" buckets is not curing anyone from cancer. And such partakers are supporting those who - with the blood of innocent and naive suffering patients on their hands- are tyrannically hiding the real cures so that their pockets will stay lined with the dung of money. But hey, at least limping around in pink ribbons is some fun for a change, especially after the sociopath oncologists have gotten their depressing radioactive grips on them - by law.

Without the Catholic definition of the meaning of life, to know, love, and serve God, the pro-life movement is trapped by the man-made terms that also trap the animal rights movement with its shaky standing under the Sword of Darwinocles: the "survival of the fittest", or the feckless duty-bound philosophy of Immanuel Kant, or whatever anyone else comes up with that is based on the baseless belief that there is absolutely no absolute truth to relegate our behavior toward animals or the unborn or innocent civilians in warring lands.

 "Factory farming could not exist in a community that believed in God's revelation about creation as it has been understood in the Church from the time of the Apostles. The degradation of our environment and our food supply has gone hand in hand with our embrace of an evolutionary philosophy which does not regard plants and animals as gifts from God, each with its own created character, and entrusted to man's stewardship, but as products of material processes, reducible to certain material components and subject to virtually unlimited manipulation as if they were nothing more than packets of chemicals.

Faith in the evolutionary hypothesis has not only been a disaster for the natural sciences but for our whole relationship with God and with His creation. Through the prayers of the Holy Theotokos, may God grant us the grace to return to the Faith of our Fathers and to fulfill our responsibilities as good stewards of creation!"
(Hugh Owen,

As an aside, why is there such dualism between the anti-abortion and animal welfare groups anyway? Does not pro-life also apply to animals slowly being tortured to death in supremely unnatural CAFOS or having their fur ripped from their skin while fully conscious? Many of the saints were extremely close to the animals, and they were not accused of loving animals more than human souls. Theologians have often said that saints like St. Francis of Assisi, because of their holiness, restored the close order that existed between men and the animals before the Fall in the Garden.. But try to explain this to no-religion pro-lifers.

"Hazzard points to opinion polls showing the US becoming less religious but more pro-life as compelling reasons to use secular arguments to support the pro-life position. SPL, [Secular Prolife] with a membership made up predominately of college-aged students, has participated in the annual March for Life and the Students for Life of America Conference. Last year, SPL attended the American Atheist Convention in Washington, DC, which included Richard Dawkins among the attendees. SPL also sent a representative to the Texas Freethought Convention last year"(

Similar sentiment applies to the issue of sodomy and marriage, as it is also considered to be a pro-life issue. Large, ecumenical pro-life websites, like LifeSitenews, often post stories opposing same sex marriage. But how many Protestant and Conciliar Catholics are using contraception, or even divorcing, yet regard themselves to be pro-life and opposed to marriage between the same sexes, when artificial contraception relegates the marital act to that of the unfruitful homosexual one. This is largely why the anti-culture accepts it in theory, because we already practice it daily. Feminism has perverted and erased the differences between the sexes so much so that same sex is marriage is already a virtual reality.

Flotsam built for two?
How about we actually try to fix the holes in this sickly sinking ship instead of just trying to throw the water out with spoons and buckets? The modern pro-lifers have become even more insipid, making a big splash party out of the situation of this sinking ship, which is pulling many down to hell…on earth, and after. Yes, they are making the best of it. Celine Dion is heard soaring threw the air and they love their sappy Titanic film, but do they ever stop to think that Leonardo DiCaprio’s character most objectively died in mortal sin for screwing the red haired girl they think he loved? Maybe this is religious cynicism, especially after he selflessly let her occupy the flotsam-for-two by herself, but celebrating vice and sin does wreck movies that are oh-so-more boring for their very stark and sentimental act of celebrating ugly things that can send you to hell forever. Anyway, pro-life splash-partiers, maybe you haven’t noticed, there is a large bracket of onlookers that doesn't appreciate the splashing of sea water on their books or fine clothes and are not being moved, except maybe by distance, away from the pro-life cause and its sentimental soul-sinking nonsense.

"Who, in fact, is spiritually more rich--the superficial, carefree-living sanguine man, or the deeper melancholic, for whom, through suffering, the height and depth of life is revealed? Who would really exchange for the light-hearted, superficial gaiety of the one, the painfully won knowledge of the depth and seriousness of life of the other?" (Nervousness, Temperament and the Soul by Rev. Joseph Massman, Roman Catholic Books).

Only the truth can save one from a lie. Every living soul is in immortal danger because of lies. We live by lies, and no one is not touched and corrupted by them. In this present age of the world - this naturalistic anti-culture - there is more corruption and wickedness than has been known since the establishment of the Church at the crucifixion. Almost everything we are taught is a lie. Satan is the father of lies. And he only wants us in hell. We cannot really save anyone from abortion or bombings or vaccine injuries or usury slavery without the truth. The Pro-Life movement denies the truth.

Only the Catholic faith recognizing the social Kingship of Christ and the importance of the eventual consecration of Russia to Our Lady's Immaculate Heart, can solve the problems like abortion and unjust war (where are the “Pro-lifers” on the thousands being butchered and poisoned in the name of Israel?) Learn it and live it! The saints helped all of us, and they didn’t do it by bus tours, balloons, and bloody posters. They lived the faith, they bled, they fed the poor, they built civilization, they lived in caves, they ran orphanages, and they educated the masses by really living the faith without compromise or treating vice with indifference. And yes, they did this with childlike joy - but don’t celebrate until you are certain you really have something to celebrate, like you avoided hell, and that, dear pro-lifers, won’t happen until you are dead.

It is not because of abortion that we have a violent society and rampant fornication and the destruction of the family and unjust wars. We have an evil society because of the loss of the Catholic faith, particularly due to the infiltration of the Church and the formally ignited revolution of man over God at its Second Vatican Council. The Church, as witness to Christ on earth, teaches mankind how to save their souls, and it has been silenced. The world is punished by the persecution of the Church. Catholic pro-lifers may still attend Masses, even the "Latin Masses" of those who, as the wicked Sommorum Pontificum  requires, accept VAtican II and the Novus Ordo religion, as well as its new mass, which attacks Christ and causes souls to go to hell. This acceptance, this compromise, denigrates their fight for "life" to a mundane activity; blasé social action and a fashion taste at most. It is not a matter of which mass is prettier or more devout. It is a matter of doctrine. And when the true Roman Mass has been diminished, blood will flow in the streets instead:

"When the Blood of Christ is no longer offered on the altars of our churches, then the blood of men will have to be spilled on the asphalt of our streets...let the Church be subverted and the whole world will be plunged into a bloodbath" (Catholic Prophecy, Yves Dupont).

"Were it not for the holy Mass, at this moment the world would be in the abyss, unable to bear up under the mighty load of its iniquities"  (The Hidden Treasure, St. Leonard).

We live by what we kill. Even the most careful Jain steps on ants or the strictest vegan eats lettuce that bunnies suffered from in its harvesting. We all live because we kill. And the world demands blood, not more Marches for Life, red shirts notwithstanding.

  "Humans being what they are, there will always be ritual murder. Is it possible that nature requires blood sacrifice perpetually? Protestantism denies that there is such a need because they believe Christ's crucifixion satified it for all time. After all, He did say, "It is finished" (John 19:30).
  The Catholics accepted that there was a requirement for on-going sacrifice and channeled it into their Mass, where they believe they are drinking the blood and eating the body of Christ. (John 6:53-56). Montesquieu, the Enlightenment philosopher, accused the Catholics of being no better than the cannibal Aztecs.
  It's a valid point, if you deny that the universe requires sacrifice. But if sacrifice is continually required, then the ritual sacrifice of Christ within the Mass would be a stroke of genius, because it might be a way to fulfill the requirement without demanding the life of either the priest or the participants." (Secret Societies and Psycholgical Warfare by Michael A. Hoffman II, Independent History & Research, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, 2001).

© 2014 GAK


CCC VIII: Right vs. Left Politics, Abortion & Current Events in the Media Age 01/09 by The Restoration Radio Network | Religion Podcasts


True Restoration XXV: America and Catholicism 06/25 by The Restoration Radio Network | Religion Podcasts


 Fr. R Voigt Jan 19 2014 Boston KY Woman, Water, Wine.MP3

 "What we sow is what we reap. We sow in the field of impurity - what do we reap? Infidelity. You sow purity, you reap fidelity. You sow impurity, you reap infidelity. You're not going to get away from it - if you sow a cherry seed into the soil you get a cherry tree. You have a soil, a spiritual soil, each and every one of you. And so there is a combat going on (...)it's satanic: destroy what God's created. Destroy it.
And so we are dealing with supernatural powers, we must use supernatural means. But the funny thing is, you give the supernatural means to man and he rejects them and thinks that he has a better idea."  -Fr.R.Voight

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