Friday, September 13, 2013

Life, you louse, is just one long, bitter ordeal!


 Go out, and share the bad news.

Denise Poncher before a Vision of Death, Master of the Chronique scandaleuse, French, about 1500.

Excerpt from Michael A. Hoffman's classic, Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare: 

   There are essentially two forces competing for the hearts and minds of mankind. The first is the old force of the orthodoxy of Church and Throne, reaction and authority. Those who regard themselves as dissidents and rebels against the Establishment have been taught by the Official Counter-Culture that it is from this direction, from the ancient regime that we can expect to encounter the greatest threat to liberty. We’ve been trained to expect that the threat to freedom comes from Christian religious and ethical orthodoxies, based on faith and authority.
   But any half-way competent student of deception will know that the greatest potential threat always comes from the unsuspected direction. In this case from the force that is misidentified and masked, that force which is fascism with a human face.
   Perhaps more important, there is one key principle of the psychology of mass mind control missing from the old model of authority embodied by the early Fathers of the Christian Church: they did not flatter and they did not come in disguise. The core of primitive, orthodox Christianity’s belief system was anti-occult to the marrow: it was the bad news about human nature. Not so the “revolutionary liberators,” from the Soviet Communists, to the New Age groovers, who have announced the delivery of humanity from the clutches of Reaction and Orthodoxy. Of this “Church” of the Official Counter-Culture, Louis-Ferdinand Celine observed in Mea Culpa, his seminal essay on Bolshevism:

   “Since the end of religions, before this new (modern) altar, they have been swinging incense; they have been intoxicating man with the sense of his own importance, with all manner of rigmarole. Man has been made the whole Church. No longer can he see anything that is told to him, just so long as it is flattering…
   “The practical superiority of the great Christian religions was that they did not try to sugar-coat the pill. They did not try to throw dust in the eyes; they were not looking for voters; they never felt the need of ingratiating themselves; they did not wiggle their tails in an effort to please. They just seized Man in his cradle, and broke the bad news to him, without reservation. They told him, ‘You little shapeless stinker you, you can never be anything but filth. By birth you are nothing but merde. Do you hear me, you? That’s the evidence, that’s the principle of everything…However, maybe…maybe…in scrutinizing the matter more closely…you have got one little chance of winning a bit of pardon for being as you are - - so filthy, so excremental, so unbelievable…
   “That is, if you can hold your chin up in the face of all the sorrows, all the afflictions, all the ordeals, miseries and tortures you will have to face during your lifetime, whether it be long or short. Always with perfect humility! Life, you louse, is just one long, bitter ordeal! Don’t get out of breath! Don’t expect noon to come at ten o’clock! Just try to save your soul, that is something in itself! Maybe at the end of this Calvary of yours, if you get to be a regular fellow, a hero in keeping your trap shut, you may be saved by these principles…
   “But even that is not a sure thing…one little hair’s breadth less filthy when you come to croak than when you were born…But don’t take too much for granted! That’s the whole story! Watch your step! Don’t speculate on first and last things! For a turd, that is the maximum!
   “That was seriously spoken. By real Church Fathers, who knew the tools of their trade, and did not try to do tricks with mirrors.” 

-Michael A. Hoffman II, Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare, Independent History & Research, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816-0849, 2001.

And he said to them, Go ye into the whole world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized, will be saved: but he that believeth not shall be condemned. (Mark 16:15-16)