Friday, July 29, 2022

Turn the other cheeky hypocrisy: Will Smith should have challenged Chris Rock to a duel


I just saw a post from the Daily Mail where Will Smith was said to be "groveling," apologizing in an agonizing plea to be forgiven by the whole world and Chris Rock, who he had slapped for what appeared to be the dishonoring of his wife with a pathetic joke about her bad "lack of hair" day.


All I know, after having sat through the groveling video, is that watching a man having to apologize, and talking about his feelings and "hurting" all these other people he didn't actually slap, and being remorseful, because his slap-ee has apparently refused to turn the other cheek, is just stupid and dehumanizing.


In the not so distant past, if it was even "felt" or merely appeared to be the case that a respectable woman had been somehow dishonored by a man (perhaps by being a foreigner and offering her a flower as in Robert Hugh Benson's excellent book The Coward, or by accidentally breaking into a respectable adulteress's apartment and mistaking her for a dis-respectable madam in Luigi Pirandello's excellent play, The Rules of the Game, et cetera, see also: real history)  he would most likely be challenged to a duel. 


And then someone would most likely die. 

VIOLENCE! VIOLENCE! Who's Afraid of a Little Violence?

And if he refused to fight the duel once challenged? Well, he would be a coward (See Benson's flaying of this practice finally banned by the Catholic Church in the before mentioned book).                        

Men know that you cannot hit a woman, and most women abuse this knowledge by pushing them past the point to where the only reasonable thing left for the man to do is walk away through the heckling, or to throw an eye gouging worthy of Moe Howard.


Men, formed from the slime of the earth, subsist in the realm of the physical and when things get metaphysically out of control the only way to restore order and settle the flying disorder is to throw down.


This brings a sort of economy to male relationships that cannot truly exist between a man and a feminine woman.   

But this logical conclusion to male disputes and playground bullies is frowned upon by the effeminate establishment of the religion of niceness, which considers anything not nice as heretical.


And there are many not nice things.


Words are now considered to be as sharp as knives and snowflakes bleed real blood (from frosty eyes or ears, supposedly) when even overhearing a loose "faggot" or "him" when he is really an imaginary "her," and any kind of real violence is relegated to the impotent or fantastical fists of the military with "bombs by push button," or paid agitators, or patsy mass shooters, or really guilt-ridden and angry women at pro-life protests, et cetera.

Good comedy is always slightly offensive because good comedy must include the truth, and truth is always offensive to our pride, our dark desires, and the overall state of the fallen world. Exposing that seemingly absurd conflict with the truth and foibles and sinfulness of fallen man, is where the best humor (which is dark humor) resides.


It may be argued that Chris Rock's joke was not good comedy, but that is besides the point.


Will Smith, as well as many others, saw that making his wife the butt of a joke was dishonorable and so the only logical answer was: since dueling was outlawed long ago, Will Smith got up and slapped him before waiting for dawn.


Who's Dawn, you ask?


The point is that he didn't even kill Chris Rock.


He didn't kill comedy, and he didn't do anything horribly immoral. It wasn't a very classy thing to do, but we are talking about stars here. A bunch of degenerate stars giving each other awards for mostly degenerate, boring movies. It may be unfortunate that it happened on "formal" TV, but almost everything is recorded and put on a TV screen now, from a brawl on the lawn of a house with a Ring camera to the trashy Oscars. This isn't the age of Joseph  Breen after-all.


In an age where there is a majority of  those who abhor violence while calling for it, labeling even opening your mouth and arguing back as violence; they sure get uppity about a real slap.


Men either have to preach without using words as St. Francis of Assisi, um ...preached, or be prepared to put your face on the line with what you say. No, we can't just expect people to start slapping comedians when they dislike a joke, but it may happen if your joke is about someone's wife.


Remember, only the court jester could tell the truth to the King, as long as it was amusing. This is the test of a true comedian, the best jokes are dangled under the guillotine. Will it fall or no? There is risk involved. Silence. Boos. Tomatoes. Make the executioner laugh.


And true, also stop being a sensitive iguana who needs to bring hissy fit violence into everything simply because you are faced with something you cannot intellectually refute.  It is the people who refuse to debate or argue that resort to, or evoke, the most violence.


When your sword is your only point, you might not have one.


Will Smith only behaved like any other man in history might have before we started neutering them at birth. 

And it did not even include the addition of guns, which has made such normal male behavior a little more deadly, but not for Toshiro Mifune, because even a pipsqueak with a gun can't overpower Toshiro Mifune (see the excellent movie: Yojimbo).


Maybe if we let males throw some punches once in a while without pressuring them to talk about their feelings afterwards, boys would tell their mothers, when they are trying to dress them up as dainty princesses, to piss off. Or maybe they'd even slap them. Equality, you know...


One used to be at risk of being excommunicated or put in the tower and stabbed in his sleep, and it is still this way in many parts of the world (go to Germany and talk about WWII...). Nowadays, in the States, you may be cancelled, receive keyboard death threats, or loss of livelihood, for saying anything that used to be considered common sense.


Words may not be swords, but they do have consequences. In a more manly age one of these men's corpses would be carried out by his second in an honorable fashion. Now we treat belligerent men caught up in this feminized, sterilized, and cauterized time as if they were Don Quixote fighting for a code of honor long abandoned by the female mind.


 I'm sure that many of the women in that audience had their unborn children violently ripped to pieces so that they might obtain an Oscar. Why begrudge a man his turn?

We need a little more of that violence on screen.


Not that I am advocating violence, or comedy at knife point, but most of the Hollywood Oscar attending scum need to be (maybe metaphorically) slapped anyway. Let's not be hypocrites.