Thursday, March 21, 2013

Beheading the Dickhead: The Pleasure of the Prick, and The Steubenville Witch Trial

Disclaimer: I did not follow the case loosely cited in the following post. This was written as the result of thought that was prompted from a casual observation of what was presented via the media, which  any casual observer would be exposed to - via the internet. Naturally, I am not making any judgements on those involved in the case and do not know the present outcome, as it is only loosely applies to the following writing on sex in our anti-culture.

UPDATE, Januar 2015: Vanderbilt football player Brandon Vandenburg ROLLS HIS EYES as he and an emotionless Cory Batey are declared guilty on all rape charges Read more: Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Giulia Lama, "Judith and Holofernes," c. 1730, Oil on canvas, 107 x 155 cm, Gallerie dell' Accademia, Venice, Italy

"You act like she's Jesus Christ coming back from the dead."     -Michael Nodianos

Things like this happen all the time, not just in Steubenville. In our licentious age, when many men have regrettably placed the wrong head upon their strapping shoulders in response to the destruction being wielded by organized natural and supernatural forces, being raped, or "essentially" raped, (see CNN video link below) when one is drunk, or sober, is almost a subconscious rite of passage for young girls.

To quote a YouTube commenter: "Rape is as common as air." And so it may be. Canada and its Consent awareness campaign seems to say so. ( But, as with so many other things in this world of organized naturalism where the dictionary definition has been deranged for our personal pleasure, what this would actually entail would be hot and willing fodder for debate, especially considering that we do not even agree what sex is anymore. At any rate, one could argue that sexual congress (actual intercourse) that is regarded to be free of the til death obligation could be considered to be a metaphorical rape in that it is forcefully taking something that, according to divine law, neither party is at liberty to offer the other anyway.

This incident (the gang rape of an incoherent and inebriated female high school student in Steubenville, OH) was one of those media anomalies. And a mountain has been made out of a molehill, and these young men are now labeled as sex offenders and are packing off for jail instead of for meathead university on sports scholarships where hundreds of obliging young coeds would be essentially "dead" at whim and will through the more acceptable collegiate obligation. See confession video of Michael Nodianos (who was one of the party goers) sermonize about how "dead" the unconscious girl appeared to be.

(Confession Video) The video of Nodianos, who appeared to, at least socially, approve of the assault, could be of anyone. As shocking as it might seem to the few uncorrupted folks among us, this is an example of many American males' psyches - even if they don't act on it. This is how they sometimes talk about women, (especially if they are socially inept or inebriated). Most people have been sitting in a room listening to guys brag just like this...on a daily basis. What Nodianos witnessed and obviously approved of - the gang rape of an incoherent female (yes, the argument that she did not help her situation "could" be made, although it ultimately has little affect upon the culpability of the attackers) was not disconnected from what he obviously thinks about women - as dead objects with pussies derived for his personal pleasure. This happens all the time. YOU, average Joe, are just lucky that you never "got caught."

The fear that getting caught could happen to anyone - you, your son, the mailman, the talk show host, et cetera - explains the sympathy that the mainstream media has expressed towards the rapists, often portraying them as victims.
( CNN sympathetic to rapists)

It was just sex like on TV, on the subway, in the family room, behind the bus barn, with my own hand in the shower....Dude, this is nuts. How dare anyone make more of it than that. And this, dear readers, is why the media made more of it than that.

Naturally, "non-consensual sex" will still alert most people to injustice. But, UPDATE, as the Mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emmanuel said, on the occasion of introducing a plan for free condom dispensers in Chicago Public Schools, sex is just socializing:

"It’s…an attempt to deal, from a health care perspective, [with] both pregnancy as well as socially-transmitted diseases,” Emanuel told an unrelated news conference about crime." (CPS To Distribute Free Condoms At 24 Schools Next Year, 

And most of us can barely carry on a conversation. Most of us have bad listening skills. So, rape can just be relegated to the age old "he never listens to me" line, or the "I regret saying that"...sexually, anyway.

So this, rape story is one more distraction story absolving our unbridled sex drives - this time, "non-consensual 'sex'" (which really makes it sound like it just eneded up not being sensual sex to me) -  and placating our justly-sensed "moral" outrage by forcing our cultural consent through the facilitation of  futile social arguments amongst ourselves about it. We are then left as they wish, yawning to ourselves, and saying boys will be boys and life and football go on.

But first we "must" witness the Steubenville Witch Trials, the weeping, the emotion; the necessary punishment of adolescent naivete and the fantastic melodrama that comes from daring to criticize star football players. Melancholic gawkers vow to make sex more and more and more safe (because any girl can change her mind, or, wake up). This happens all the time, and we want to be free and liberated enough to let it happen without it resulting in this media circus. Use protection, get tested, make sure she is really dead. This is so Dark Age, so embarrassing. How dare anyone think this is wrong. Maybe it was rude, but to be labeled for life as a very bad person - who will probably never get a good job - just because of a youthful extravagance, is Puritanical.

But we are Puritanical, and that is what is wrong with the United States. We are, intellectually, subjective slobs. Something is wrong only if I think it is. Evidently what Michael Nodianos thought at the moment was wrong was wrong did not include raping a "dead" girl, but it clashed with what some others, evidently including the "dead" girl, thought, and now here he is being tried on the social media stage of fists-raised, subjective web-surfing, majorities. (An honest observer could tell that this social blather of Nodianos would later be regretted).

"For, once ascribe to human reason the only authority to decide what is true and what is good, and the real distinction between good and evil is destroyed; honor and dishonor differ not in their nature, but in the opinion and judgement of each one; pleasure is the measure of what is lawful; and, given a code of morality which can have little or no power to restrain or quiet the unruly propensities of man, a way is naturally opened to universal corruption."
(Pope Leo XIII, From the Encyclical Libertas Humana ("Human Liberty"), June 20, 1888).

 One should truly feel pity for everyone involved in cases like these, the many victims of our irrational age. The little dimwit of the big-gun evils, feminism, has succeeded. “She” can now afford to pardon and pity her attackers because she has been liberated from the femininity that is being attacked, or so she thinks. In a similar manner to how a master might be able to pardon his servant, but not his arch-enemy - who possesses the ability to use the charity of his enemy to overcome him - the She-goddess of feminism can wield her liberated sexuality in the open like the head of Medusa, and then construct psychodramas for people like this writer/blogger to sound overly-serious about.

Of course, because of trifles like original sin and our brains on abstracted sex like shrimp-according-to-Bubba-Gump in the nineteen ninety's movie Forrest Gumpthere's sex-kabobs, sex-gumbo, sex-pan-fried, there's pineapple sex, lemon sex, coconut sex, sex stew, sex salad, sex and potatoes, sex burger, cave sex, (and that's never "about it") - almost everyone has made some pretty offensive mistakes in regard to the free-for-all of fornication. But even if we may be suffering the consequences of them now (i.e., insufferable STD's and resulting infertility, etc.) most of us can at least be thankful that we are not labeled as sex offenders, having transgressed the realm of what our hypocritical society still may irrationally deem socially punishable.

Women, in usurping the power of men, which thus becomes a perversion, are as culpable as the men. But men are the leaders and it is their lack of leadership that has largely led us to this. Unconfined sex has thus become a weapon:

"Men are "rapists" because they are not giving women the love and validation they require," (Henry Makow, Cruel Hoax: Feminism and the New World Order).

If this writer walked into your house and ate a piece of your cake, it might be regarded as burglary and robbery if she was not your close friend. The same applies to the context of sex.

It is a little difficult to give lifetime support and love to a one night stand whose name you do not even know, or a image on a screen. This is what our culture of wholesome and healthful pornography does to males, and in turn, females. It turns men into sociopaths through the rape of their minds. Porn rapes the mind. Men are raped through the mind. Pornography can forcefully penetrate and subjugate the male mind whether he is willing or not. How many men have been hooked on porn after even accidental viewing? It rewards the same centers of the brain as crack cocaine. And because of this, most males' lives are a drawn out suicide (e.g., Tolstoy's The Devil, etc.) in which many women, willing or not, aware of it or not, are taken as hostages.

Women have to be "dead" in the sex addict's world. He must kill anything that interferes with its  pleasure, including himself, his reason and faith - as even according to Nodianos, a dead girl could still end up living long enough to have a child that is half the ethnicity of one of her attackers. Anyone knows that these men are irrational, hence, out of touch with reality. They cannot look at women and see people. They cannot talk to women without being indecent.  They cannot relate to the "object" that exists for their personal pleasure as a person that is supposed to be protected, respected, and cared for. My dick does not know how to do that, he says.

Need we wonder at the proliferation of dickheads; those who almost solely exist for the pleasure of the prick? No shock should come with the evening news and the knowledge that we are all essentially a bunch of bitter nihilists with a  lack of respect for human life that, only in show of politeness and situational ethics, teeters on the brink of all out barbarism and sociopath murder because this human life seems to be nothing but an inconvenience, a biologically irrational surprise, or, most usually, an all out disaster, that comes about from some chump merely sticking his best friend somewhere warm for mere entertainment and pleasurable sensations. Is it any surprise that children, before they even know what this sex drive is, hate us?

"They  do not want to be by-products and after-thoughts of parents pre-occupied with themselves. They do not want to be transferred between various combinations of biological parents, legal parents, surrogate parents, and care-giving parents. Yet this is exactly what our legislators, courts, political leaders, and culture give them.
Our young people have been deprived of that which God ordained by nature. They have a right to be angry, frustrated, and depressed. It is understandable why they have so little regard for what adults think."
("Redefining Marriage, Redefining Parenthood: The Natural Law, Children's Rights, and Mental Health Perspectives," by Ronald G. Connolly, The Latin Mass, Vol. 22, No. 1 - Winter/Spring 2013).

Le Plaisir (pleasure) is all that matters. This is what we tell young boys when we hand them "masturbation passes" at school, obsess about women's tits, teach them that they can have sex as long they wrap themselves in Saran Wrap, and consider porn and masturbation (e.g., basic television, walking down the street, unrestricted internet, etc.) to be the healthful thing for a male to indulge in.

Because we have been duped by organized naturalism, or the anti-supernatural affirmation of the autonomy and self sufficiency of human nature - so that we "feel" that this earthly life is all that matters - antediluvian things like restraint, impulse control, self-discipline, self-denial, and acceptance of suffering, are deemed to be our true evils, our true wrongs - even though ignoring these things degrades the dignity of human nature to something akin to the "beautiful" copulation of water buffaloes. Habits form the moral character - the common principle of values that a man bases his actions on - and most males' main and most entrenched habit is ******* himself. No wonder he is such a mess.

We are a society that values and epitomizes the "dickhead" because we do not want to give up our "freedom" (license) to be a dickhead, which is the easiest thing to be. Because we only acknowledge sets of unset subjective values - instead of the objective order of values - we either do not want to punish the dickheads too harshly - because we know that we may deserve the same punishment; or we wish to punish them severely, to hide our own shame.

Because of our abuse of sex and our denial of its biological and supernatural end, we might be compared to  eye balls that have been forced out of their sockets. And this is not pretty, but because we have been physically blinded, we fail to see it this way and are only "feeling" our way around. Denying our need for eye sockets, sight, and thought - or the proper context of our human nature - we think that the blind pleasure of "freely" rolling around with all of the other "liberated" eye balls is perfectly normal. In the meantime, we damage the lenses so badly that even if our eyes are ever restored to their proper place, the scars will remain.

"To refuse any bond of union between man and civil society, on the one hand, and God the Creator and consequently the Supreme Law-giver, on the other, is plainly repugnant to the nature, not only of man, but of all created things; for, of necessity, all effects must in some proper way be connected with their cause; and it belongs to the perfection of every nature to contain itself within that sphere and grade which the order of nature has assigned to it, namely, that the lower should be subject and obedient to the highty." (Ibid.)

This validation of the dickhead is also hatred of the male sex. Even though we might be raped, the dickhead male is still preferable (as long as we have birth control and abortion) to men who think that they have power that exists outside of the powerful body parts that they are obsessed with. Women can wheedle and seduce and rule the dickhead easier than they can a man with a proper head on his shoulders.

Man is a hierarchy, and promoting his lowest, brainless member as Head of State, raising it up and out in the open, placing it upon his shoulders to meet and greet with anyone and anything, usually results in rape. It is the equivalent of letting the Cocker Spaniel drive the Mercedes. The dickhead is an unbalanced being:

"The intellect, the mind, is at the top and thus should rule over everything below. The heart, always considered the center of the emotions, is located at the center of our being. The seat of the lower passions is appropriately located below. We see this in order as we stand upright and we can also see the nature of the hierarchy in the design–the intellect must rule over the emotions, the intellect and the emotions must rule over the lower passions. The mind must discipline the heart, and the mind and the heart must discipline the lower passions. When all three work in order, we have a coherent and balanced human being." (David Allen White, The Problem with Modern Music, Angelus, December 2009).

Women have often been labeled as hysterical, and rightly so. This is largely because the failure of the man to use his strength and authority for good enrages the female who suffers dearly at his abuse.

"In fact, today's crisis of womanhood has as its origin the wholesale and chronic failure of men. If men had not reneged on their moral duty as heads of families; had they acted as men instead of wimps or brutes, women might not have lost all respect for them as leaders worthy of being honored, respected and of partners deserving of cooperation." (Hugh Akins, Synagogue Rising. Orlando, Florida:, May 2012).

Because he is the leader, a man who allows himself to be ruled by his base desires is, arguably, far more hysterical, and ridiculous, than the female he labels as so, and for whom he is supposed to exercise congenial authority over; keeping her (and his) very best interest in mind, the avoidance of going to hell for eternity. But instead, the hysterical male is so turned in on himself and the insatiable desires of his dick that he cannot help but selfishly screw over everything that clashes with it. And a wise woman will have much to suffer, or run from, if it is not too late.

It is no wonder that marriage is such a modern disaster:

"For it cannot be denied that the basis of a happy wedlock, and the ruin of an unhappy one, is prepared and set in the souls of boys and girls during the period of childhood and adolescence. There is danger that those who before marriage sought in all things what was theirs, who indulged even their impure desires, will be in the married  state what they were before, that they will reap that which they have sown; indeed within the home there will be sadness, lamentation, mutual contempt, strifes, estrangements, weariness of common life and, worst of all, such parties will find themselves left alone with their own unconquered passions."  
(Pius XI, Encyclical Letter, Casti Connubii, On Christian Marriage).

Judith, a valiant woman, decapitated Holofernes, a biblical dickhead. Like Judith, valiant women must - metaphorically - help men oust the usurpers to their Head of State, and put the proper heads in power.

Besides apocalyptic conclusions, there is little in mass solution to this sociopathic sex problem, especially when many women have adopted, with much more success - due to a lack of demanding penises - territorial male behaviour, which fuels this misogynist fire, and burns us all in the end.

 Unfortunately most women, largely through abuse, brainwashing and mis-education, have not given many signs of life. Women need to wake up, resurrect from the "dead," quash their innate rebellion, become real, virtuous, valiant women, and scare the pants onto these pitiful perverts who need a charitable meeting with reality. Give the males their power back and help them wield it for good. Send the Michael Nodianos' of the world running like it's Easter morning, and hope and pray that they realize that who they are really running away from is the model for the perfection of their manhood - the perfect man - and the remedy to their constant hysterical plight.

                   She hath risen in the night. (Prov. 31:15).

Copyright 2013 GAK.

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