Friday, November 21, 2014

The Pope and Svengodlic: Exposing God's Magic

God is Houdini and the world is a work of deception, or sorcery, for us to expose.

Many a religiously indifferent guy and gal is thinking fondly of even the child molester church because of Pope Francis' recent exposé of God:

"When we read about Creation in Genesis, we run the risk of imagining God was a magician, with a magic wand able to do everything. But that is not so," Francis said. 
The less distinguishing amongst us are now exclaiming: I knew God didn't create the bloody world out of nothing! They expected us to believe anything in those medieval times fifty years ago...

When Francis is confronted with God he is supposedly tempted to think of Him as a deceiver, a sorcerer, or one who performs tricks of illusion and sleight of hand. In comparison to this, even the fickle gods and goddesses of Greek Mythology seem a little more reliable, just, and cuddly!

But it wasn't magic that God used, says Francis, it was Darwin's idea of evolution, or something that almighty man made up anyway.

The main problem with this is that without the incorporation of atheistic worldly theories (the Big Bang, Darwinian evolution, etc.), which still do not account for a first cause, Francis thinks of God as a magician. This means that Francis must think it is up to him, or mankind in general, to betray God's slight of hand. Then we may be able to believe...but in what?

A cruel God of trickery who really didn't do what He appears to have done in the way it was done and condescends to trick us stupid Catholics into believing silly little pre-school myths?

This does indeed seem to render truth and the faith into subjective fluff that only a believer in establishment theories could ever be happy deceiving herself with.

Why worship a cruel God like that?Because, we are so just to uncover His lies, we possibly couldn't be blamed for Original Sin or the fallen world.

If God is just trying to trick us, if faith comes by exposing scripture and tradition as a sensationalistic lie, and if this evil world is just a side show in a circus run by a mundane God with a wild imagination, we are really in trouble.

No, it's okay, man.

 © 2015 GAK

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