Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Salvation of the Gluten Free Soul: Eatvangelicals, rot, and religion.

"Back before lettuce was hauled thousands of miles to market, truck farmers near big cities grew kale in fall, late winter, and early spring. It filled the demand for fresh, nutritious salad greens. Unfortunately, kale has since lost much of its popularity in spite of its high vitamin and mineral content and appealing flavor. I hope we get back to eating more of it." - Dick Raymond, Joy of Gardening, 1982.

Little did he know...

 This kale should not be used as a real replacement. 

Yes, real. Lettuce get real. You know them. You might be one of them: Eatvangelical Protestants. 

You might have an intimate relationship with a girl named Kale, hold a deep respect for the dining practices of recently evolved men, think wheat is the spearheaded devil incarnate, or have a heady belief that a life without bacon is not worth living.

In the modern living hell that modern man has created and called society, or, "The New World Order," or, "The New Springtime," et cetera, there are those with enough common sense to protest against it. But they make a mistake in abstracting their just cause from reality and fall right back into the mouths of their equally gluttonous enemies.

The bodily health craze is a nasty little replacement for reality and the one true religion. Man, in replacing God with himself, has elevated mealtime and mastication – amongst many other banalities like base sexual sensations, usurious loans, and sports voyeurism, et cetera, - to the communion of himself. Worshiping only the accidents and what will be assimilated into fat cells, he attempts to perfect his body and blood through varied forms of diet based on subjective science and crock pot theories, with the glaring irrationality and lopsidedness of Naturalism, the mundane existence divorced from supernatural reality.

It is true that we are all being poisoned. This is not hysteria. Our food supply is screwed because of sin and the organized Luciferian enemies of Christ and His Church – those who have rejected Him and His creation and its laws, and have instead, made themselves god. These reckless gods, these Babes in Monsantoland, these mad scientist power whores, are manipulating nature and animals to their greedy monetary whims with catastrophic and horrifically abusive results. 

We were created for the truth and the one religion outside of which there is no salvation, and the denial of this innate requirement will always demand a replacement with some lesser mundane, and therefore, more absurd preoccupation. Prophets and theses-nailing protestors are out, and all you can eat bacon cults and food allergy martyrdom's are in.

People make organized sports, their pets, or their diets, their religion, which is just as whacky as the 700 Club – and these fail to address where one will spend eternity, where no Whole Foods exists.
Nutrition has its proper place, but it is not at the head of the altar. Fasting and prayer on Ember Days differs greatly from fasting for one’s own personal "detoxification" or false god.

Taking things that do not merit such serious consideration so seriously is a sign of madness, and dark humor, for sane onlookers.

"The most serious thing in life is sin. Food, drink, and gold are just materials to keep us alive, means whereby we work out out eternal destiny. They exist for us. When we begin to exist for them and become gluttons and misers, we sin. We lose our sense of humor. Our ability to see through things, our sense of humor, prevents us from getting too serious over gold, roast beef, and martinis."(The Wife Desired by Leo J. Kinella, Fitzwilliam, NH: Loreto, 2010).

Real men don’t live long lives at the expense of languishing in lawn chairs while drying their pedicures or spending hours in gyms building muscles just to exhibit. Catholics are supposed to wear themselves out and die in a state of grace instead of a state of nearly incorrupt daintiness and virginal brawniness that “never did no charity to no man.”

Remember, I am sending you out to be like sheep among wolves; you must be wary, then, as serpents, and yet innocent as doves. (Matthew 10:16).

Our reality is not nice. Despite rampant evidence to the contrary, man and human nature, is misunderstood with the devious denial and  pusillanimity of an adult Pollyanna.

Man is born in Original Sin and is more apt to do evil than good. We all really do know this, for the same reason that we, like the real B.C. pagans - who were being prepared, as all history was, for the birth of Christ the King - knew that hell (a place that any of us may go) exists. Not the most pure, organic, gluten free, paleo food provided free to one and all will build a utopia of world peace, or anything near it. Actually, “The path to hell on earth is trod by the road to utopia.” (Michael Hoffman in Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare.) And for an increasing amount of people, that is the walkway leading to Trader Joes.
Hieronymus Bosch on Gluttony

Our physical environment is poison, and not just to the clouds and earthworms, but to us – because we have made it that way. We are not killing the earth, we are killing ourselves. In part, we are so sickly and weak, and fish are being found to have two heads, and “babies are born with crooked backs,” and many adults are unable to reproduce at all, because of the heady immorality of nuclear and cellular power, the unjust wars with their evil chemical tactics on civilians, political assaults like weather modification, Dr. Frankenstein-like genetic manipulation of the food supply and the reprehensible flavoring, or commercialization, of food, the tyrannical and sociopath medical industry, and the denial of biological reality largely through the pissing out of contraceptive chemicals into our water supply - all of this, and more, ultimately, carried out through the brainwashing and manipulation of the “goy,” who instead of resisting and fighting back, beg their anti-Christ tyrants to come out with a gluten free donut. 

Suckling up to the serpent; we made our beds we can die in them. And we will, thanks - probably by wasting away with cancer - no matter what we eat. But this is the suffering of our time - something we may profit from eternally- and it is only going to get worse. We have been warned.

"Bacon makes it better." Jon Stewart on Super Glutton Sunday:
The Hungry Games: A porcine diarrhea virus threatens Super Bowl bacon stockpiles.

The few choices left us are cultivating virtue taught by Christ and His Mystical Body, the Roman Church, or pursuing food and health, or some other mundane preoccupation, to end in itself insanity. Obsession is not nice. The car of an engine-obsessed engineer won't get anywhere if he forgets about the clutch. Common sense, modesty, thrift, and self-denial tells one to eat the plain non-commercial and seasonally appropriate food that built a civilization that worshiped something beyond man, and not his own little limpid body temple unto the wealth of his plastic prima donna self.

There is no Albigensian dualism. The soul and body are one. The body exists within the soul - both subject to God and the natural law. And we will get our bodies back someday, in mint condition - if we do not go to hell through the likes of trying to preserve its worldly worth.

Grow your food because the rule of subsidiarity and work are good for the whole person. Fulfill your vocation so that there is actually a mother home to care for the children - partly by growing and preparing economical and healthful food. "Boycott" the evil food/drug pushers as much as possible, because there are "nine ways of being accessory to another's sin," but…

25 The man who tries to save his life shall lose it; it is the man who loses his life for my sake that will secure it. (Matthew 16:25).

Trying to preserve one’s body at the expense of one’s soul is fruitless, even if it is organic. 

Observe what a "sugar baby", a woman who prostitutes herself to well-heeled diseased men for money, spends her "income" on:

 She says she uses the money on bills and modest indulgences, like organic food and an occasional plane ticket home. “I more or less live comfortably because of it. I’m able to pay my rent a little easier. I haven’t been really able to attack the principal amount on my loan.” (Sugar daddy website has coeds justifying prostitution, By Tracy Motz, February 9, 2014 | 7:26am,

Let's hope that the plane doesn't crash before she converts to being an honest gal. 

Many saints and blesseds denied themselves, ate the poorest food and died young, yet their bodies are incorrupt and as pure and youthful as their souls hundreds of earthly years of rot later. 

 Saint Bernadette SobirĂ³us died in 1879.

So deny your disordered appetites and passions, but not because it is going to make you a svelte little hoe with a rotten old soul. No, everything we do, from brushing our wholesome grain-decaying teeth to praying the Psalter is religious, and should be aimed at the salvation of even the gluten free soul.

© 2014 GAK

Our gluten intolerance is probably associated with the modern Dr. Frankensteins' work.


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